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Removable Wall Graphics: How they Benefit Your Business

Removable Wall Graphics: How they Benefit Your Business

Removable Wall Graphics

Physical advertising includes a host of different kinds of graphics, banners, billboards, and signs. From 3-dimensional lettering to fleet wraps covering a bus to stadium graphics larger than a bus, bigger-than-life graphics catch a lot of attention. While these graphics certainly make a significant impact, they should not be the end-all-be-all of your physical advertising campaign. The smaller, interior signage can still have a significant impact on your customers.

What are removable wall graphics?

Removable wall graphics are printed advertisements, signs, or infographics that can be produced using a variety of materials including metal, acrylic, wood, vinyl and more. Removable wall graphics also include window advertisements and decals. Vinyl decals can be printed using a less adhesive material for short-term use. Wall-mounted graphics and signage can be installed in a variety of ways. 

Generally, but not always, removable wall graphics are smaller and meant for more short-term advertising than building wraps or billboard graphics. Having said this, removable wall graphics can be printed or fabricated to almost any size and last for years.

What are some of the practical applications of removable wall graphics?

  • Advertise Sales - Removable wall graphics fit well with temporary sales advertising because they are easy to take down after the sale has concluded, and they don’t leave marks on walls or windows. More permanent sales signs often remain up after sales have finished, confusing customers and making employees’ jobs more frustrating.
  • Create a New Look - Sometimes, your brick-and-mortar business isn’t having a sale but could benefit from a new look. Similar to moving the furniture into a new position in your living room, removable wall graphics allow you to switch aesthetic quickly, without a huge amount of manual labor. Easily and frequently change out graphics to keep the attention of customers.
  • Direct Customers - Apart from advertising, removable wall graphics are ideal for directing traffic through your building. Short-term changes to your business venue, like renovations, can cause customers to feel out of place and unsure where to go. Wall graphics can point the way to the front desk, specialty items, or bathrooms. Similarly, a window graphic on the old building can point customers to the new location if your business moves locations.

What are the advantages of removable wall graphics?

  • Easy to Change-out - This makes them ideal for temporary installations. Graphics don’t have to be short-lived, however. You can reinstall some removable graphics in new locations or bring them out again when the time is right. For example, you can use Christmas-themed signage year after year. The impermanence provides a good fallback if you decide the graphics are no longer a good fit for your business. If so, they can be taken down and replaced with new and improved imagery.
  • Avoids Damaging Walls and Windows - Wall-mounted interior signage can be taken down - methods may vary depending on the type of installation. Vinyl graphic decals can be removed. To keep your walls in good condition, professionals should handle proper removal.
  • Replicable - Compared to more permanent and expensive physical graphics, wall graphics like window posters and advertisements are easy to replicate and place in many locations. This is especially helpful if you have multiple store locations or a chain of restaurants.

Are all removable wall graphics short-term installments?

No. Although much of this article focuses on the benefits of short-term graphics, removable wall graphics can last for years if you don’t need to take them down. Their versatility in this regard is another one of their strengths.

If your graphics are outdoors, they are more likely to require cleaning and maintenance. It may just require simple cleaning with gentle solutions. 

How do removable wall graphics benefit your business?

Removable wall graphics are like the weather of your physical advertising campaign - constantly changing. Because they are inexpensive and easy to replace, they can become a common focus for people as they walk past or through your business. By changing the scene with storefront signs and exterior wall graphics, you can affect people’s actions and make them more interested in coming inside and having a look. Advertising sales with temporary wall graphics is like posting a fair weather forecast, making people excited about their experience in your business.

Removable wall graphics open a world of possibilities that aren’t accessible through permanent installations. The thousands of practical applications, such as directing customers or helping a blank window appear more attractive, all improve customer experience. What could you use removable wall graphics for in your business?

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